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  • Writer's pictureGordon Coulson

America is Babylon the Great

Updated: 5 days ago

"The Whore of Babylon; sitting on the seven-headed beast, St John and the angel looking on from a cloud in top right corner.”

Author: Hans Burgkmair the Elder (1473-1531)

Licensing: This is a faithful reproduction of a public domain artifact and so is also public domain. This photographic reproduction is also considered to be in the public domain in the United States.

In Revelation 17, there is a harlot sitting atop a beast with 7 heads and 10 horns. The woman holds a wine cup and is drunk with the blood of the saints. There are kings and merchants who corruptly partner with her for profit and power. And "upon her forehead a name was written, a mystery, 'Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and of the Abominations of the Earth.'" We know in Scripture a harlot is a symbol for God's people who have turned against him in apostasy. So this harlot must represent false Christian churches who have partnered with corrupt kings (political rulers and oligarchs) and corrupt merchants (corporations and the super-rich). But what of the beast that "was and is not, is himself also an eighth, and is one of the seven, and he goes to destruction" (Revelation 17:11)? We will have to briefly review the beasts of Revelation 12 and 13 to answer this question.

A key to understanding Revelation is to integrate it with Daniel. So Revelation 12 should be read with Daniel 7, and Revelation 13:1-10 and Chapter 17 should be read with Daniel 8. I believe Revelation Chapters 12, 13, 16 and 17 are in time sequence. In Chapter 12, we have the Dragon Beast with 7 heads and 10 horns, which tries to kill the "child," which is caught up to heaven. Seeing the child has escaped, he becomes enraged and "went off to make war with..[those who] keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus" (Revelation 12:17). The child is obviously Jesus, and it was Imperial Rome that tried to get rid of him, egged on by the Jewish religious leaders. So a beast with 7 heads and 10 horns is a symbol for Rome in some form. However, to the Dragon's great surprise, Jesus rose from the dead, gave his disciples final instructions, and returned to heaven. The 7 heads are the total number of heads from the four beasts described in Daniel Chapter 7: Babylon (1), Medo-Persia (1), Greece (4), Imperial Rome (1). In other words, the beasts in Revelation are composites of the beasts in Daniel. That is why Revelation must be read alongside Daniel to be understood, and both these books can only be fully comprehended during the time of the end (Daniel 12:9, Revelation 10:9). The ten horns are the ten Germanic tribes which would arise after the demise of Imperial Rome in the 5th century and would eventually become the countries of Europe. But they are not ruling yet: The crowns, symbols for rulership, are on the heads of the Dragon Beast, not on its horns. In John's time, it is the crown on the 7th head, Imperial Rome, that is ruling.

Revelation Chapter 13 describes two beasts. The first, described in verses 1-10, is similar to the Dragon Beast. It also has 7 heads and ten horns, so we know it represents Rome in some form, but the crowns are now on the horns, not the heads. This beast is further ahead in time. These horns and crowns represent the monarchies of Europe that arose from the Germanic tribes after the demise of Imperial Rome, the Dragon Beast. This beast has the body of a leopard, feet like those of a bear, and the mouth of a lion (Rev 13:2). I believe this beast is a composite of Daniel 8, because Daniel 8 begins with Medo-Persia (the ram), which loses in battle to Greece (the hairy goat) and does not mention Babylon as a political power. This beast has "feet like a bear", which from Daniel 7, is Medo-Persia. Moving upward we see the "body of a leopard" (Greece). The Dragon gives this beast "his power and his throne and great authority" (Rev 13:2). The beast has a loud, blasphemous mouth, and makes war with the saints and overcomes them (v 5-7). It becomes a widespread object of worship (v8). This describes the Papacy, which arose from the ashes of Imperial Rome. The Papal Beast made war on the saints by persecuting them via the Spanish Inquisition and by other means. Even owning a personal bible was forbidden: one had to ask the local priest if you had questions about what the bible taught. The Papal Beast, like the Dragon Beast, is also a composite of the beasts in Daniel, but not Chapter 7. This composite beast is based on Daniel 8, which begins with Medo-Persia, not Babylon, then transitions to Greece, Imperial Rome, and then Papal Rome, the "little horn" with the big, blasphemous mouth. The feet are those of a bear, Medo-Persia; the body is a leopard, Greece; and its lion mouth represents Babylon. The entire Papal Beast itself is a manifestation of Rome. In Daniel 8 Babylon is not represented as a separate power, but as the loud, blasphemous mouth of the "little horn." In other words, Babylon is now absorbed into the Papal Roman Beast, as the "mouth of a lion."

The 7 heads in this beast are now: Medo-Persia (1), Greece (4), Imperial Rome (1), and Papal Rome (1). The lion's mouth means the beast speaks Babylonian, if you will, where Babylon was a mighty superpower full of false worship and opposed to God. The mouth of a lion is represented in Daniel 8 as the loud, blasphemous mouth of the "little horn," the Papacy. Babylon is now absorbed into the Papal Roman Beast. In Revelation Chapter 17, the beast and harlot together are called Babylon the Great. The meaning of the "mouth of a lion" then, is that the beast has become a mixture of Papal Rome and Babylon reborn. The Papacy arose in the 6th century CE and eventually secured control over the monarchies (ten horns with crowns) of Europe. The Papacy continued for 1260 prophetic years until the French Revolution, when its power was ended, and the power of the monarchies was replaced with republics across Europe (Rev 12:6). The healing of one of its heads refers to the demise of Imperial Rome, head 6, and the rise of Papacy in its place, head 7, to become the new Rome.

The Lamb Beast arises next and this beast is not found in the book of Daniel--it is new information pertaining to the time of the end. However, it "has all the authority of the first beast," Papacy, and so is an extension of Rome's power (Rev 13:12). In other words, it becomes the Roman Empire of the last days. It "had two horns like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon. And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence. And he makes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast whose fatal wound was healed (Rev 13:11-12). It was Britain, originally a Roman Catholic nation, that arose as Papacy's reign ended at the French Revolution, and it was Britain that directed worship to the Papal Beast. Post-revolutionary France, now a republic, arose to replace Papacy as the ruling power in that country. Britain, with its unmatched navy, soon became the greatest empire in history. However, one of its colonies, America, wanted to be free from foreign domination. After the revolutionary war, America seceded from Britain but surprisingly, the two became partners. Thus the Lamb Beast with two horns was born. Two horns means two powers in a partnership, such as the Ram beast of Daniel Chapter 8 (Medea and Persia). The Lamb Beast is the Anglo-American superpower partnership of the modern age. At first, Britain was the dominant power, but after World War II, America took that role. And so it is today.

The Anglo-American power makes an "image of the beast" and commands all to worship it (Rev 13:14-15). This is a reference to King Henry VIII creating the Church of England in order to end the Papacy's control over Britain. This was a harlot church and looked much like the Catholic Church, with its priests in robes, incense, holy water, an altar, and an Archbishop instead of a Pope. It was an image of the Roman Catholic Church. However, it was beholden to King Henry VIII, not King Jesus exclusively, and persecuted those that did not bow to its authority. Other false Christian churches that are corruptly tied to political authority are also included in this image. The MAGA evangelicals in America are an example. They have claimed that Trump is "anointed like Cyrus" by God to "Make America Great Again." This is blasphemous. Jesus has no part in worldly politics. His Kingdom is "no part of this world," and he has subjects in every country (John 18:36).

The Lamb Beast, Anglo-America, causes all to be given a mark, so they cannot buy or sell without it (v16-17). This refers to sanctions, which America can place on any individual, business, or country, and bring them to their knees economically. No other country has this wide ranging power. It is also a symbol of slavery. Those with the mark "worship" the beast and defend it by supporting its wars and parroting its Imperial propaganda. "American exceptionalism," "a city on a hill," "sweet land of liberty," and "the indispensable nation" are examples of this propaganda. The famous 666 man is prophesied to come out of this beast system (Rev 13:18). It will be someone like King James Stuart I, who implemented the Divine Right of Kings in Britain. He claimed to be God's representative on earth, which like the Papacy's claim to be the Vicar of Christ, is blasphemous and a lie. If Trump is elected on November 5th, 2024, he will likely be the final 666 man. He checks all the boxes. We shall see.

Still in time sequence, Revelation 16:12-13, tells us that the Euphrates would dry up to make way for the kings from the east. Waters in Revelation mean peoples, tribes, and nations (Rev 17:15). When ancient Babylon, the world superpower of that time, was destroyed by Cyrus the Persian, he had the Euphrates waters diverted so he could march into the city and conquer it. This prophecy is telling us that modern Babylon the Great will lose support and be defeated by the "kings from the east," likely the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, along with new members). We are also told that expressions inspired by demons, emerging from the Dragon, the Beast, and the False Prophet, would go out to the kings of the earth to gather them together for the "great war of the great day of God, the Almighty" (Rev 16:13-14). We have discussed the Dragon Beast, the Papal Beast, and the Lamb Beast, but not the False Prophet. I believe the False Prophet represents the Zionist state of Israel, which rejects Yahweh's Messiah, Jesus Christ, but claims to have special blessings from God anyway.

The False Prophet works closely with Anglo-America to deceive earth's peoples; especially those in the West. Far right Jewish Rabbis in Israel stir up its people with false claims of God's blessing and with false prophecies: telling them that the land occupied by Palestinians is theirs to take; that God has given it to them. Conservative pastors in America falsely teach that Jews in Israel are God's chosen people and must be protected by America--even if they commit genocide against the Palestinians and steal their land. But Jesus is clear: No one comes to the father except through him, and, you will know them [true worshipers] by their fruits (John 14:6; Matthew 7:15-20). I have discussed this in detail here. But what does this all mean for our time and for Revelation Chapter 17?

Since the election of Joe Biden and the US-provoked invasion of Ukraine by Russia (the US knew offering Ukraine NATO membership would precipitate war, and sought to destroy Russia with sanctions), the world has been torn into two camps: the West (USA, EU, Japan, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) and the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, plus several new members and many more expressing interest in joining). America has now secured iron-fisted rule over western nations. It controls the media and society in these lands to such an extent that Noam Chomsky, the great linguist and activist, said he has never seen such a fierce crackdown in his lifetime, and he is 95! The EU, Japan, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand now function as colonies of America. I believe this is the meaning of the propaganda "frogs" that proceed out of the mouth of the Dragon (Satan), the Beast (Western powers led by America), and the False Prophet (Zionist Israel). The entire West is now saturated with American and Zionist propaganda. Those who resist or who are critics of it are accused of antisemitism, sidelined, or persecuted. For example, American college students who demonstrate against Israel's mass slaughter of Palestinians have been beaten, arrested, expelled, and prevented from graduating. Those in support of Israel are protected. And that brings us to the Harlot Beast of Revelation 17.

The Harlot Beast is the Papal Beast of Chapter 13:1-10 but further ahead in time. The first thing to notice is that the "kings of the earth," that is, political rulers and oligarchs, and merchants, corporations and the super-rich, are corruptly intertwined with her (Rev 17:2; 18:11-19). She is responsible for the "blood of the saints" (Rev 17:6). In other words, false Christian churches along with corrupt governments have been foremost in persecuting sincere Christians throughout history. She sits on seven mountains. Rome was known as the city on seven hills. She is Rome incarnated, but she is also Babylon reborn, thus her name: Babylon the Great. She is a mixture of both (v9). The seven mountains are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come (v10). John, the writer of Revelation, is first viewing this from his time, the first century CE. The five heads that have fallen are the same first five from the Papal Beast: Medo-Persia (1), and Greece (4). The one that "is," is Imperial Rome, the sixth head, which was reigning in John's time. The one to come, viewed from the first century, is Papal Rome, the 7th head, which would arise after Imperial Rome's demise in the 5th century CE.

In Revelation 17:11, John's perspective changes to the future. The beast which was and is not, is himself also an eighth, and is one of the seven, and he goes to destruction. Viewed from our time, the beast which was, was Imperial Rome. It is not when it is destroyed and replaced by Papal Rome. But it emerges again after the French Revolution when the Papal Beast is removed from power. The rising of the Republic of France signifies the rising again of Imperial Rome out of the abyss, as it were. The eighth head, therefore, is Imperial Rome, the sixth head, reborn as the eighth head: "one of the seven." It first emerges as the French Republic. Afterwards, taking their cue from France, republics spread across Europe, removing monarchies from power. England and America would also become republics--Britain through a revolution, and America from its founding. And now, America leads all republics of the West in a reborn Imperial Roman Empire, the eighth head of the Harlot Beast.

The ten kings represent the EU. They "have one purpose and they give their power and authority to the beast." This describes the EU bowing to the authority of America. There is only one Beast now: the West, led by America, and to a much lesser extent, Britain. They wage war against the Lamb but he, along with his faithful disciples, conquers them (Rev 17:13-14). The ten horns, however, will turn on Babylon the Great. They will "hate the harlot and will make her desolate and naked, and will eat her flesh and will burn her up with fire. For God has put it in their hearts to execute his purpose by having a common purpose, and by giving their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God should be fulfilled." (v16-17) Thus Babylon the Great, representing Western empire and culture--business, political, and religious--will be destroyed.

But why does God single out the West for such extreme punishment? Because the West has been given so much, but instead of being thankful, speaking truth, and exercising justice, it has abused other countries through endless wars and conspiracies to undermine their governments and stolen their resources. Many of its churches, especially megachurches, are led by greedy conmen that have sullied the good name of Jesus. The West has amassed great wealth for itself while much of the global south lives in poverty. The West has damaged the environment more than other powers but it is the global south that suffers the most. And yet the West claims to be motivated by Christian principles. This is a lie. Her "sins have piled up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities" (Rev 18:5). The misery America and Britain have inflicted on the rest of the world is clearly seen in the following chart.

I presented this chart at a bible conference in Boston area several years ago, and the audience, mostly Americans, was aghast. They had no idea that their own country's government had done these things using their tax dollars. This is why Americans, in general, cannot interpret prophecy. They have no idea what their own country has been up to and are clueless as to its actual nature. And God will deal with the other powers as well, like the BRICS, because in the Kingdom of God, there is only one King, Jesus Christ. The other powers will either submit or be destroyed, but the West will be judged first.

"And the beast was seized, and with him the false prophet who performed the signs before him, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who had worshiped his image. The two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulphur" (Revelation 19:20). Later, the devil himself will be thrown into the lake of fire, signifying permanent destruction (Rev 20:10).

What can we do as Christians? Do not be fooled by imperial propaganda. The West is opposed to God and is going to be judged by him. Pray for God's Kingdom to come soon. Pray that our political leaders will pursue peace not war, truth not lies, justice not favoritism, and empathy not abuse. Perhaps, like Nineveh, the West will repent: all things are possible with God. Pray that the Gospel will be freely and widely proclaimed, despite these uncertain and treacherous times. Pray that many more will come to Christ while the door is still open, and that we may joyfully provide spiritual refreshment and support for these ones. Finally, pray that we may be faithful servants of our Lord and Savior Jesus, doing God's will to the best of our ability, while we await his return.

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